26 Ocak 2016 Salı
Reflection Task 2b

Doctor Who is a British science-fiction television programme produced by the BBC from 1963 to current day. It is about time and space adventures of the Doctor who is a Time Lord from Gallifrey. He has a spaceship named Tardis, and he travels in time and space with it. The Tardis looks like a police box from outside and bigger on the inside. This programme has such a significant part of the British culture that the words “Tardis” and “Whovian” ,meaning fans of the Doctor Who, have places on dictionaries. According to scenario, the Doctor always travels with a companion generally a human. I believe with this situation, producers reveal that human beings are going to be an important part of the space in the future. I also agree with them in that point because I think people
will achieve some great space missions in the near future. In planets he visits, the Doctor tries to stop wars, save innocents, prevent and punish evils, so we can say that he is a good man fighting for good people or other creatures of universe. In this TV serial he is shown as the clever and merciful guard of goodness. Whenever he hears of a devil on a planet, he teleports to there and tries to clean that planet from evils. Although he makes some mistakes, he always finds a solution to them. Moreover, the fact that the Doctor goes through regeneration and changes his appearance, maybe convey a nice message. To explain, he changes his physical appearance not his personality. No matter what he looks like –old, young, handsome, poor- he always behaves in the virtues of morals. In my view, here the producers show us that physical features are not important. What matter are the characteristics of a person, the way he treat to others, the way he sees the events. Apart from all these, what is interesting for me is that most people in the serials do not know that the Doctor saved them. This can mean that even though we do not know there are always somebody who trigger the movement of goodness, who try to make all people live in peace, who bring happiness to place they arrive. All in all, I believe the implications and messages that Doctor Who conveys are very meaningful and lovely.
Free Reflection Task 2
Enhanced Human Beings
Today, so many things that we could not even imagine a few decades ago can be done thanks to advanced technology. Nevertheless, some of these advancements lead to controversies. One of the most controversial issues is enhanced human beings. There could be some possible good and bad effects of enhanced human beings on society. First of all, enhancing human beings can prevent incurable diseases, enable full health to people, and end pain and aging. Hence, people would not be worried about not only their own health problems, but also their beloved ones’, and there would be more happy people than today as a result. Second, there would be synthetic enhancements to the human skills such as exorbitant intelligence and memorization, immoderate physical capability, and strength and beauty. The outcome of this situation could be that there would be no competition. To explain, if everybody was enhanced, would it be necessary to compete for a job, a sport or beauty? The answer would most probably be “No.” As everyone was almost equal in abilities, such things would be meaningless. Third, this technology could not be available for everybody. In particular, only wealthy people could afford it, it this technology was not cheap. This means only wealthy people could benefit from enhancements so that they would be more beautiful, cleverer, stronger, and as the ultimate result richer. Consequently, the gap between the rich and the poor would increase. These two sides might even feel disconnected from each other as if they were not in the same society. To summarize, the technology of enhancing human beings could end up with both positive conclusions in science and medicine, and negative conclusions in society and economy. We should be prepared in case it will come up.
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